The 3D cross-plot has been rewritten and now has greatly expanded capabilities.
The revamped Cross-plot 3D is based on the recently new Scene 3D viewer, and has many of the same features, including the same basic mouse controls for rotating, zooming, and panning the 3D view.
Crossplot-3D has:
- A tree view for selecting and enabling wells, and droplists to select the Log Type shown on each of the X, Y, Z, and Colour axes.
- A range box with labeled axes, with control over the range of values shown on each axis
- Colour bar overlays with options for modifying text, font sizes, colours, etc. for optimal presentation
- A summary view with details (including selected log names) for the displayed data points
- Built-in support for creating screen captures of the 3D view, including an HTML summary
- In-tool control over the depth Z-stick used to obtain the data points from the logs, with the ability to show the depth values on any axis
- The ability to limit the data points to those that are within active Working Intervals
- The ability to colour points according to which well supplied the points, with the ability to customize the colour used for each well
- The ability to reselect wells and logs from within the tool, using a new multi well log selector:
- Customizable settings for controlling how the data is displayed
- Keyboard shortcuts for quick user interaction
- Savable views for restoring specific Crossplot-3D configurations, including viewpoint, axis Log Type selections, well selections, settings, etc.
Cross-plot 3D remembers the last-shown view and opens showing that view by default.
Interrogate and understand data more deeply. Explore implications of elastic and petrophysical property variations with an added dimension!
Post by
Alan Mur
Mar 9, 2023 7:01:26 AM
Mar 9, 2023 7:01:26 AM
Alan Mur has a PhD in Geology with specialization in Geophysics from the University of Pittsburgh and has over a decade of work experience in geology, rock physics, and geophysics. As Product Manager for Quantitative Interpretation (QI) Applications at Ikon Science, he manages all applications related to QI geophysics at Ikon and directs the software development team to evolve Ikon’s software offerings with consideration for the needs of the industry.