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A core objective of the rock physics workflow is to demonstrate that petrophysical variations will be observable using seismic data. Conceptual blocky AVO amplitude modeling shows how theoretical amplitude response varies across incident angles. RokDoc has offered this important functionality for two decades and now evolved it for geoscience workflows of the future.

Experience the Future of Reservoir Analysis

The enhanced Blocky AVO tool sets a new standard in seismic reservoir modeling and analysis. The modeler was designed to provide a Streamlined Workflow, where navigating through a friendly interface, users can efficiently perform tasks from AVO and property simulations, to documentation.

The function is setup to gain better Multi-Well Insights by using 3D probability density functions and regional trends. New workflows that consider Compaction Modeling are now available with access to dynamically sampled Depth Trend Analysis sessions. Anisotropy scenarios may also be tested on the fly, helping the user to assess importance of anisotropy in their QI workflow. To better understand the Uncertainties of in the AVO response, property statistics are leveraged to simulate data in the cross-plot as well as in amplitude vs. angle domains.

Refined AVO Curve Comparison

Overall, we are offering a more comprehensive and integrated analysis tool. Blocky AVO's latest version introduces advanced AVO curve comparison capabilities by co-rendering synthetic models with real data. This allows the user to generate, test and compare relevant AVO scenarios with actual seismic measurements. AVO response sets from seismic data can be compared to theoretical response and scaling addressed. Calculation of intercept and gradient can be tailored to the available seismic angle range, and an EEI chi angle calibration workflow has also been included. 

Seamless Documentation and Reporting

Efficient documentation and reporting are made effortless with Blocky AVO. The tool's built-in features allow users to capture and annotate results seamlessly, accelerating the process of incorporating insights into reports. This streamlined workflow enhances communication among teams and stakeholders.

Geoscientists, engineers, and decision-makers can now delve deeper into reservoir behavior, unlock valuable insights, and optimize predictions with accuracy.

For more information about Blocky AVO Modeling and how it can transform your reservoir analysis workflows, please Contact Us

Alan Mur
Post by Alan Mur
Sep 21, 2023 11:33:49 PM
Alan Mur has a PhD in Geology with specialization in Geophysics from the University of Pittsburgh and has over a decade of work experience in geology, rock physics, and geophysics. As Product Manager for Quantitative Interpretation (QI) Applications at Ikon Science, he manages all applications related to QI geophysics at Ikon and directs the software development team to evolve Ikon’s software offerings with consideration for the needs of the industry.