Highlights in the RokDoc 2024.3 updates within the Reservoir Characterization license:
With the latest release, we've focused on the complete Reservoir Characterization workflow from project start to finish.
A user starting a project needs to assess the quality of the input data. Seismic horizons are often needed to define model zones, and it can take critical time to ensure that the data are in the right place and cover the area of interest. The 3D viewer allows the user to quickly show that data are in the proper positions. Here, we can also ensure results look correct and are ready to be shared with colleagues.
The study of Seismic Petrophysics should deliver exactly that - petrophysical properties derived from the seismic data. Rock physics is the vehicle to transform elastic properties (Velocities and Densities) to petrophysical properties (Porosity, Saturation, Mineralogy etc). The rock physics models in RokDoc are shareable across the platform, meaning calibrations made from well data can be easily applied in 3D. Reservoir engineers need these properties for their 3D models and this release has made it easier to communicate and deliver these results!
Functionality Enhancements
- New Method Added to 'export to CPG property' Dialog
The new 'trace intersection - volumes' method ensures that CPG cells at lower resolution than the seismic won’t be missed, providing more smoothing and better representation of volumetric quantities.
- Third Output to ‘RPM reverse modelling’ Functions
Supporting three outputs in RPM reverse modeling allows for more detailed and multi-dimensional analysis, enhancing the depth of insights that can be derived and opens more modeling possibilities.
- With these functionality enhancements, optimization for multi-core machines has also been improved.
Workflow Efficiency
It's easier than ever to try out the RokDoc Reservoir Characterization functionality as the Petrel Interconnector now allows for direct sampling of surfaces to RokDoc surveys!
We look forward to continuing to hear your feedback for future RokDoc releases!
Reservoir Characterization, Rock Physics, Time Savings, Data Visualization, RPM, Software Release, Performance, Usability, Prediction, Seismic Data, Reservoir Engineering, CPG, 4D Reservoir Monitoring, 2024.3Jun 3, 2024 1:18:49 PM