Usability and streamlined workflows are keys to faster and improved geomechanical and pore pressure predictions. These are some of the highlights of the new version of the Pressure Prediction module in RokDoc 2022.4:
- The normal compaction trend module has the option to save new models and load existing ones which can be controlled by the available working intervals and log types.
- Sliders are added to Biot coefficient for easy use of geomechanical model calibrations as well as analysis in all stereonets.
Post by Monica Beech
Nov 16, 2022 10:54:24 PM
Nov 16, 2022 10:54:24 PM
Monica Beech is a geoscientist turned product manager with a passion for solving real problems in data management. Driven by a deep understanding of geoscience and a love of listening, I find innovative solutions that meet the needs of my customers and team.